Let’s Help You Save More Money.

FRCTN is the first service to leverage the “Friction Principle” to help you spend less money, guaranteed.

Today’s world is designed for you to spend more money.

It’s never been easier to spend, which means it’s never been harder to save. The deck is stacked against you.

FRCTN is the antidote to overspending.

To beat that system, you need a better system that puts the friction back in frictionless payments.

  • "FRCTN really worked for me. I cut my discretionary spending in half in my first month."

    Tony P, New Jersey

  • "I was skeptical of tracking every purchase at first, but I'm glad I started. It felt like meditation for my wallet."

    Sarah K, Maryland

  • "My advice to anyone considering FRCTN is to JUST DO IT!!! Best decision I made for my finances in years."

    Mark T, Colorado

How it works:

  • Answer a few questions via text from our AI Savings Coach to get your personalized weekly budget and savings goal.

    The goal is to always save at least 20% of your income.

  • This is the key. The crux of the system. The secret sauce as we call it. And no, it's not easy (change is hard but worth it).

    Log all your expenses by texting your AI Savings Coach. Every discretionary expense gets texted to your coach. That's right. You buy a coffee for $3 - text your coach. You buy a couch for $3,000 - text your coach. Think of it as your personal line for logging all your expenses.

    More friction = more awareness = less spending. Simple but powerful. You'll spend less, guaranteed.

  • Your AI Savings Coach will deliver you a weekly update on how you did vs your budget goal.

    Every quarter, you'll get a read-out on what percentage of your income you're saving.

    Your coach will also periodically send you tips, tricks and advice for improving your financial wellness.

How I got here:

The year was 2021 and I built my first version of FRCTN just for myself. I was spending money recklessly, had no idea how much I was saving and felt out of control of my finances.

I had recently gotten my first credit card (I held off for many years) and I quickly realized that the simple idea of it made me spend more money. With cash, there was a physical feeling to spending money - it felt like I was literally handing it over to someone. With credit cards, Amazon, and the rest of the world’s cashless payments, I realized that everything was meticulously designed for extracting the most from you. Good for time, bad for wallet.

I built my own system based on proven principles of awareness, mindfulness and friction. In the year following my first version, I doubled my savings rate. I spent years optimizing it for myself. Today, the FRCTN system enables me to spend less, know more, and all with just a few seconds of time for each purchase. I felt totally in control of my finances and I knew I had to share this system with others.


Financial wellness has always been important to me. My family grew up living paycheck to paycheck, often in debt. Not because they didn’t make money, but because they overspent.

When I told people that I wanted to intentionally add friction to a budget app, they thought I was naive. But I believe in this system because I know it works. While every other budget app tries to be frictionless, we went the other direction and are the only app that hacks your psychology to help you spend less money.

Yes, it’s hard. It is designed to be. But any lasting change takes some work. We’re only 50% of the solution, you are the other half. We meet in the middle to help you build a better financial future.

But I promise you: our team wants nothing more than to help you save more money and give you more financial freedom. Peace of mind is the best thing you can spend your money on. Build up that nest egg and let the tension slide away.

Let’s do this thing.

$5 / month

to save thousands per year.

Gets you:

  • Personal expense logging phone number and tracking system

  • Personalized weekly budget

  • Weekly and quarterly savings reports

  • Periodic tips, advice and tricks from your Personal AI Savings Coach

Learn more:

FRCTN is currently only accepting a limited number of users.

Apply for a spot today by filling out the form.